Monday, July 30, 2012

JUne 26th



Rebecca Hinchcliff
Jun 26
to mejulie
I have now been in Haarlem for 4.5ish months and it will be 6 months at the
 end of this transfer. I love it here, but that is a REALLY long time!! That said,
 I am so grateful that Heavenly Father has kept me here because during this
 time I have gotten to work with a man who has completely turned his life
around because of the gospel and is getting baptized in two weeks. His road
 to baptism has been long and hard, but his testimony of the gospel has
 helped him endure. From teaching him I have truly come to know for myself
 the refining power of Christ's Atonement. By applying Christ's Atonement we
become more, the quality of our lives improves, we get a little bit closer to our
 potential as sons and daughters of God. In Sunday School this man described
 his change as a change of heart, "mijn hart neit meer rood is, maar wit is,"
 how beautiful!This morning I was reading along in Alma and he described the
 change his father and the people of King Noah experienced as they learned
about the Atonement. They were "awakened out of a deep sleep, and they
awoke unto God. Behold, they were in the midst of darkness; nevertheless,
their souls were illuminated by the light of the everlasting word," (Alma 5:7).
Since being on a mission I feel like I have been awakened from a deep sleep
and filled with light as I have come to know and better understand the Savior's
Atonement. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have of the Atonement, it has
increased my confidence in God's love for me, and it has increased my love
 for Him and His children. What great!!
I love you all!! Have a great week!!
Zuster Becky Hinchcliff

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